PD Stefan Bosse
University of Siegen - Dept. Maschinenbau
University of Bremen - Dept. Mathematics and Computer Science
PD Stefan Bosse - AFEML - Module Y:
Principles of Computer Tomography
From Projections to reconstruction of object slices. Algorithms and beyond...
Quality, Noise, artifacts, and other issues with CT reconstruction
PD Stefan Bosse - AFEML - Module Y: Further Readings
PD Stefan Bosse - AFEML - Module Y: Computer Tomography (CT)
Find an image I(x,y) from a set of rotated line projections p(s,φ)
More general:
Find an image set (volume) V(x,y,z) from a set of rotated image projections P(x,y,φ)
PD Stefan Bosse - AFEML - Module Y: Computer Tomography (CT): Examples
Baruchel,2000 (Left) 3D rendered view of a tomographic image of a composite material with 400 yon glass balls inside an organic matrix; Voexl size 42 μm (Right) 3D rendered view of a tomographic image of an aluminium foam (density 0.06); Voxel size: 150 μm
PD Stefan Bosse - AFEML - Module Y: CT Beam Geometries
Cierniak, 2011
Shapes of X-ray beams used in CT scanner projection systems: (a) a parallel beam of radiation, (b) a fan beam of radiation, (c) a beam in the form of a cone
PD Stefan Bosse - AFEML - Module Y: CT Geometries
Cierniak, 2011 (a) Darkening of a photographic film by X-rays ⇒ Inverse Attenuation / Intensity (b) Obtaining one-dimensional projections using a parallel beam of X-rays (c) Projections carried out at an angle α
PD Stefan Bosse - AFEML - Module Y: CT Reconstructions: Basics
CT bases on projections. A photo (or image) is a projection of a 3-dim object onto a 2-dim plane!
Zvolský, 2014 Example: Two trees in a park, make 2 pictures from east and south, try to create a map of the park.
PD Stefan Bosse - AFEML - Module Y: CT Reconstructions: Basics
Zvolský, 2014 Other configuration: If you see two separate trees on both views, can you uniquely reconstruct the map of trees? Here you cannot reconstruct the position of both trees.
If we take another picture at 45◦, we are able to solve the ambiguity.
PD Stefan Bosse - AFEML - Module Y: CT Reconstructions: Basics
We now consider line projections only for the sake of simplicity. There are projections p(s,φ) at angle φ with s as the coordinate on detector, which is a line integral of a photo.
PD Stefan Bosse - AFEML - Module Y: CT Reconstructions: Basics
Projections are angle dependent.
A simple example should demonstrate this: A source point on the y axis is viewed under different angles φ.
where r is the distance of the point from the origin (measuring system) and φ the viewing angle.
PD Stefan Bosse - AFEML - Module Y: CT Reconstructions: Basics
Projections and calculation of the projected point position under angle φ
PD Stefan Bosse - AFEML - Module Y: CT Reconstructions: Basics
A sinogram is a representation of the projections on the s-φ plane.
A sinogram combines all line profiles in a diagram providing a s-φ coordinate system (semi-polar). The point example creates a sine wave diagram.
PD Stefan Bosse - AFEML - Module Y: Analytic Image Reconstruction
What is wrong with analytic image reconstruction from projections? Why is filtering required, and why is a filter never a good idea?
These methods are based on an analytical expression of the inversion of the Radon transform.
PD Stefan Bosse - AFEML - Module Y: Projection
We create four projections from an object consisting of 4 different densities (μ values) by calculating the sum of the contributions along a line of response (LOR)
PD Stefan Bosse - AFEML - Module Y: Backprojection
Summing up all p(φ) along a line of response (LOR)
PD Stefan Bosse - AFEML - Module Y: Backprojection
Get back the density distribution via I(x,y) from the projections...
PD Stefan Bosse - AFEML - Module Y: Backprojection
Sum all up all projection values under respective angles.
PD Stefan Bosse - AFEML - Module Y: Backprojection
Subtract the total projection sum Σ=a+b+c+d from all backprojected entries.
PD Stefan Bosse - AFEML - Module Y: Backprojection
We are done. In theory ...
Divide by number of projections −1 = 3
PD Stefan Bosse - AFEML - Module Y: Backprojection
With few views. But with a high number of views and continuous distributions the following is happening...
Many angles → Tall and broadened spike at the location of the point source
PD Stefan Bosse - AFEML - Module Y: Backprojection
Baruchel, 2000 (a) Original object (b) Some projections (c) Backprojection in a point of the object (d) sinogram or set of projections over 180° (e) Backprojection of the sinogram
PD Stefan Bosse - AFEML - Module Y: Backprojection
The backprojected image compared with original object is blurred. As a result of the backprojection process, each pixel contains information about what the object really contains at the pixel location, but this information is added to a blurred version of the rest of the object.
PD Stefan Bosse - AFEML - Module Y: Backprojection
The backprojected image compared with original object is blurred. As a result of the backprojection process, each pixel contains information about what the object really contains at the pixel location, but this information is added to a blurred version of the rest of the object.
An exact mathematical correction of the backprojection smoothing effect can be done by an appropriate pre-filtering of the projections, as in the Filtered Backprojection (FBP) algorithm.
This can be demonstrated based on Fourier considerations.
PD Stefan Bosse - AFEML - Module Y: Radon Transformation
Due to the δ function the integrand is zero except on the Line L(s,φ)
The backprojected image is given by the integration over 189° (no more information in the other half, really?):
PD Stefan Bosse - AFEML - Module Y: Radon Transformation
There is a close relationship between Radon and the Fourier transformations!
PD Stefan Bosse - AFEML - Module Y: Radon Transformation
F1: Take a 2D function f(x,y), project it onto a line, and do a FT of that projection ⇔ F2: Do a 2D FT of f(x,y) first, and then take a slice through origin parallel to the projection line.
PD Stefan Bosse - AFEML - Module Y: Filtered backprojection
with vx=ω cos(φ), vy=ω sin(φ), and dvxdvy=ωdωdφ
PD Stefan Bosse - AFEML - Module Y: Filtered backprojection
That measn for the FBP "algorithm":
A complete set of 1D projections allows the reconstruction of the original 2D distribution without loss of information (theoretically=
PD Stefan Bosse - AFEML - Module Y: Filtered backprojection
Baruchel, 2000
? What is the right filter? Is there a right filter?
! All filter functions have advantages and disadvantages!
Transfer functions of different filters |ω| in the frequency space
PD Stefan Bosse - AFEML - Module Y: Filtered backprojection
Ramp filter:
Hanning/Sine filters:
PD Stefan Bosse - AFEML - Module Y: Filtered backprojection
Zvolský, 2014 The reconstruction quality increases with the number of projections
PD Stefan Bosse - AFEML - Module Y: Filtered backprojection
Zvolský, 2014 BP (left) vs FBP (right)
PD Stefan Bosse - AFEML - Module Y: Reconstruction and Number of Projections
http://www.impactscan.org/slides/impactday/basicct The quality of the reconstruction and artifacts (noise) depends on the number of used projections
PD Stefan Bosse - AFEML - Module Y: Reconstruction Errors
Reality is more complex:
Other reconstruction methods:
PD Stefan Bosse - AFEML - Module Y: Reconstruction Errors
Baruchel, 2000
Much attention must also be paid to the noise of the camera or, more precisely, to its dynamic range. When the inspection's issue is the determination of the accurate size of some internal feature, or the local characterization of materials (density measurement for instance), then an increased attention must be paid to the reconstruction artifacts. They create artificial patterns inside the reconstructed slice (streak artifacts), or they locally modify the pixels values (cupping effect), and hence the quantitative result.
PD Stefan Bosse - AFEML - Module Y: Reconstruction Errors
Artifacts and errors in slice reconstruction due to:
Baruchel, X-Ray Tomography in Material Science. 2000, pp 23
PD Stefan Bosse - AFEML - Module Y: Aliasing
High (spatial) frequencies are encountered in the signal corresponding to every projection.
They are due to the steep edges which are eventually present in the object. As the detector samples the signal (all along the projection) with a non-zero step, high frequencies corrupt the data, within the Fourier domain. Streaks are generated.
Ill corrected detector: The signal delivered by every sensitive cell of the detector must be linearly spread between the offset level (corresponding to the absence of photons) and the gain level (corresponding to the non-attenuated flux).
PD Stefan Bosse - AFEML - Module Y: Aliasing
A bad correction of one cell will generate, in the reconstructed image a "ring artifact", i.e. the image of a ring, centered on the pixel corresponding to the location of the rotation axis, or "line artifacts" by a dead pixel.
Saturation noise: Different pixels have different saturation levels ⇒ spatial patterns!
PD Stefan Bosse - AFEML - Module Y: Aliasing
BDG – Richtlinie P 203 Line artifact due to a defect detector pixel
PD Stefan Bosse - AFEML - Module Y: Beam Hardening
X-ray emission is commonly polychromatic with a continuous energy spectrum. But μ and attenuation depends on energy! Beam hardening is the correction of this phenomena using physical energy or numerical filters.
BDG – Richtlinie P 203 (Left) Without beam hardening (boundary intensification) (Right) With beam hardening
PD Stefan Bosse - AFEML - Module Y: Rotation Axis Error
CT reconstruction with sine-wave filtered back projection from 800 projections (image width=400 pixels) of an Aluminum die casted plate with pores (40 mm width, 5 mm thickness), no X-ray energy filter (a) Centered rotation axis, error: ± 1 pixel accuracy (b) Rotation axis error 2 pixels! (c) Rotation axis error: 28 pixels
PD Stefan Bosse - AFEML - Module Y: Normal CT versa μCT
Specimen: Aluminum die casted plate with pores, 800-1000 projections (a) μCT reconstruction, 120 kV (b) Normal CT, 60 kV
PD Stefan Bosse - AFEML - Module Y: Do not trust CT
BDG – Richtlinie P 203 Comparison of a μCT slice (voxel size 20μm) and nearly the micrograph slice at nearly the same depth. There are differences and artifacts. Find them!
PD Stefan Bosse - AFEML - Module Y: Conclusions